Sirius (The dog star) 064508 -164258 -1.46 A1 V 8.7 Brilliant White Canopus (Pilot of Greek King Menelaos fleet) 062357 -524144 -0.72 F0 Ia 1200 Yellow-White Rigil Kentaurus (Foot of the centaur) 143936 -605002 -0.27 K0 III 4.3 Yellow Arcturnus (Shepherd of the heavenly flock) 141539 +191057 -0.04 K2 III 36 Orange-Red Vega (The harp star) 183645 +384701 +0.03 A0 V 26 Brilliant Blue-White Rigel (Leg of the giant) 051432 -081206 +0.12 B8 Ia 910 Blue-White Capella (The little she-goat) 051641 +455953 +0.08 G8 III 42 Yellow Procyon (Greek meaning 'before the dog') 073918 +051330 +0.38 F5 IV 11.3 Yellow-White Achernar (End of the river) 013742 -571412 +0.46 B5 IV 85 Blue-White Hadar (The bright one) 140349 -602222 +0.61 B1 II 460 Blue Altair (Arabic meaning 'flying eagle') 195046 +085206 +0.77 A7 IV-V 16 White Aldebaran (Follower, i.e. of the Pleiades) 043555 +163033 +0.85 K5 III 65 Red Acrux (Probably from {A}lpha {crux}) 122635 -630556 +0.87 B1 IV 360 Blue-White Betelgeuse (Arabic 'armpit of the central one') 055510 +072426 +0.4 to +1.3 M2 Iab 310 Red Antares (Rival of Mars) 162924 -262555 +0.96 M1 Ib 330 Red Spica (Ear of wheat) 132511 -110941 +0.98 B1 V 260 Blue-White Pollux (Greek 'pugilist of the two brothers') 074518 +280134 +1.14 K0 III 45 Blue-White Fomalhaut (The fish's mouth) 225738 -293720 +1.16 B2 IV-V 22 Blue-White Deneb (The tail) 204125 +451649 +1.25 A2 Ia 1800 Blue-White Mimosa (?) 124743 -594119 +1.25 B0 III 570 Blue-White Regulus (The King) 100822 +115802 +1.35 B7 V 85 Blue-White